by Rick Nevins
Facebook is a powerful tool and is a very popular means to share cycling related information. There are a number of Facebook Pages and Groups that target our geographic area and cycling communities. There may be some question amongst our membership about when to use Facebook versus our website Message Board. I thought I’d take a few minutes to share what I know about Facebook Pages and Groups so that you can better understand how you might want to engage.
Read more: Taking Some of the Confusion Out of Facebook (I hope!)
The WAB jersey design (pictured below) is inspired by a jersey WAB developed back nearly 20 years ago as part of the 300th anniversary of Williamsburg. This jersey is manufactured by Hincapie and the sales and distribution of the jersey are done directly through the Hincapie website. The Hincapie storefront for WAB is typically opened two times a year for a couple weeks. The next time the storefront will be open is likely to be Spring of 2023.