Welcome to the Williamsburg Area Bicyclists!
The Williamsburg Area Bicyclists is a recreational bicycling club based in Williamsburg, Va. We offer a variety of ride options, for the beginner through the experienced cyclist. If you are a member, log in with your username and password to access our Member Only features, such as the Ride Calendar, Message Board, Cue Sheet library and access to other club information. If you are not yet a member we encourage you to join us as our guest on one of our rides and experience for yourself how rewarding group riding can be. When you are ready to join, click on the "Join or Renew->Join as New Member" link above.
Member Benefits
Enjoy the benefits of being a member of the Williamsburg Bicycle Club:
With the advent of social media where you can create informal groups and share information, you might wonder why bother to join a formal bicycle club. Consider this:
- Make new friends and find riding partners
- Participate with the WAB in regular weekly and monthly bicycle riding opportunities - more than 200 scheduled rides annually!
- Access to our Route Library - containing over 250 excellent routes in the Williamsburg area! Your WAB membership includes membership in our Ride With GPS Club Account, enabling premium features for navigation and off-line maps normally requiring a Premium Ride With GPS account (an $80 value).
- Secondary accident insurance for injuries sustained on club rides.
- Regular informative Membership Meetings where you can learn and share with other like-minded bicycling enthusiasts
- Monthly Newsletter keeps you up to date with local bicycling news and opportunities
- Interactive website filled with lots of bicycling information including the Scheduled Rides, Club Events, Ride Logs, Message Board and more.
- WAB members ... with more than 300 there is a large pool of expertise and opportunities to get the most out of cycling.
- Discounts of 10% off list price for bicycle parts, accessories and clothing at many area bicycle shops!
- A wide array of rides and off-the-bike meetings featuring good fellowship, food and presentations on topics of interest!
How do I get started?
If you are either new to cycling, new to the Williamsburg area or just looking for a way to get more actively engaged in cycling, this page is for you!
The Williamsburg Area Bicyclists sponsors club rides where members and visitors come together and ride a designated “route” in the Williamsburg area. These rides are classified by difficulty (both pace and distance). Ride leaders provide the routes in the form of “cue sheets” and strive to facilitate safe and enjoyable experiences for all participants.