Planning Your Ride is the first step in the process of creating and leading a club ride.

This involves:

  1. Select a date.  Look at our club calendar and find a day when your ride would not conflict with another ride in the same classification already on the schedule.  Most Saturdays and Sundays are open at this time.  If you schedule the ride far enough in advance, it will be included in the Flying Wheel newsletter.  To get in the newsletter, your ride will need to be scheduled by the 15th of the prior month.
  2. Decide on a pace and distance.  The pace and distance will probably be the pace you are most comfortable with - after all - you are the leader!   
  3. Develop or pick a route.  We are starting to establish a library of Cue Sheets and over time we hope this will become a valuable resource for our leaders and members.  You can pick a route from the library, develop your own route or use a route you've done before.   If you have a Cue Sheet you would like to add to the Cue Sheet Library you can do that on the  library of Cue Sheets page.  If you prefer, you can also e-Mail the Cue Sheet to and it will be added to the library for you.
  4. Get acquainted with our Ride Leader Guidelines.  Most of these are common sense, but if you haven't yet led a ride, you should familiarize yourself with these guidelines.
  5. Review the Accident Report Forms and related instructions.
  6. Print off one or two copies of the Ride Sign-in Sheet.  Make sure you bring this along to the ride for members to sign-in.  This is important for insurance purposes.


Click on the images below to download the Sign-in Sheet and Accident Forms



Accident Forms